
🚀 Slow down. Connect deeply. The power of slower speech. 🚀

In a world where fast-paced communication reigns supreme, it's easy to get caught up in the rush. But what if I told you that slowing down your speech could actually enhance your connection with others? 🌟

When we speak too quickly, we risk coming across as overselling and losing credibility. We may unintentionally appear too strong or even threatening. 😱

The key is to assess the tempo and rate of speech of the person you're speaking with and match, or better yet, go slightly slower. By consciously slowing down our speech, we create a safe and comfortable space for genuine connection to thrive. 💪

When we slow down, we allow others to process our words more effectively. This enables deeper understanding, fosters trust, and ultimately strengthens rapport. 💼

In my own experience in the FBI, I've had humbling moments when colleagues told me, "Robin, we know your experience. But every time you start speaking and overselling, you lose the credibility you had. So slow it down." 🕊️

Remember, it's not just about slowing down your speech for the sake of it. It's about adapting to the pace of the person you're speaking with. By doing so, you show respect, empathy, and a genuine interest in their perspective. 🌍

So the next time you find yourself in a conversation, take a deep breath, slow down, and watch the magic happen. Slow down to connect deeply. ✨


Mastering Rapport with Thoughtfulness


Recruiting Anatoly w/ Robin Dreeke