2021: A Year of Learning

Wisdom; Get it, apply it, and pass it on.

My humble thanks and gratitude to all the great authors who were my teachers this past year.
Wisdom is the combination of the accumulation of knowledge and the application of the same. To be truly exceptional, we must continue to have a self-mastery plan that not only acquires wisdom but has a system of application and dissemination in place if you wish to live your purpose to it’s fullest. The humble student is at the same time an inspired mentor. What did you learn this past year and from who? What is your plan for 2022?

A few of my favorites:
Tim Ferriss, "Tribe of Mentors"
Steven Pressfield, "Gates of Fire", A Man at Arms", "The Virtues of War", "Killing Rommel", "The Warrior Ethos", "The War of Art"
Robert Cialdini, "Influence
Jim Mattis, "Call Sign CHOAS"
Robert Greene, "The 48 Laws of Power"
Marc Polymeropoulos, "Clarity in Crises"
Mark Brigman, Ph.D., SPLP, "Partnernomics"
Jack Barsky, "Deep Undercover"
James Clear, "Atomic Habits"
Simon Sinek, "Start with Why", "Leaders Eat Last"
Hampton Sides, "In the Kingdom of Ice"
Chris McChesney, "The Four Disciplines of Execution"
Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Tasha Eurich, "Insight"
Jay Shetty, "Think Like a Monk"
Walter Isaacson, "Benjamin Franklin"
Christopher Voss, "Never Split the Difference"
Christopher Hadnagy, "Human Hacking"
Joe Navarro, "Be Exceptional"
Brendan Kane, "Hook Point", "One Million Followers"
Viktor Frankl, "Man's Search for Meaning"
Jack Schafer, "The Truth Detector"
Maria Ross, "The Empathy Edge"
Ekhart Tolle, "The Power of Now"
Jocko Willink, Leif Babin, "Extreme Ownership", The Dichotomy of Leadership"
Bob Burg, "The Go Giver"
Seneca, "Letters from a Stoic"
Ryan Holiday, "Courage is Calling", "Stillness is the Key", "Ego is the Enemy", "The Obstacle is the Way", "Lives of the Stoics"
William McRaven, "Make Your Bed"
Alfred Lansing, "Endurance"
Gregory Diehl, "The Heroic and Exceptional Minority"


The Universe is on Our Side; Why Aren’t We?

